Fast forward!

Ok, so, it's a few months since my last post, right? Having a kid, procrastinating like crazy on my diss, getting a full-time job, have kept me pretty busy. Did I mention that the kid is uber-energetic?

As well, as I've learned, the interwebs are inundated with mommy blogs, and I'm not sure how much I want or even have to contribute to this phenomenon. At the same time...

I've just recently become a fan of Mama Natural and have been a longtime fan (and old school associate, too, back in the dark days of Logos) of Orangette. The former's recent query about announcing births (and my complete inability to remember how I actually tried to let everyone know, after the botched "funny" attempt via Facebook), and the latter's actual announcement made me realize two things:

1) I am forgetting things that I thought would be unforgettable.

- and -

2) I'm so excited to see how an old friend (and now-fave blogger) writes about her own experiences that it makes me want to articulate mine.

I've definitely begun to find my way as a parent, over these past 14 months. Enough to know that whatever wisdom I've gained will be challenged in the months and years to come, and also that this journey has become a calling of sorts.

So I'd like to take this space and make it useful: at least to myself, in recording the struggles and joys and confusions that make parenting such an occupation; but hopefully, too, to other people out there who think that parenting is about more than the baby gear and cute kid pics (though, to be sure, it's about those things, too. There is nothing more currently nerve-wracking to me than trying to find the best bigger-boy car seat. Augh!).

I hope that this will become a space worth reading. And I hope to hear from you, too, whoever you may be, about your own experiences.


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